The first operational copy should be delivered to France at the end of the first quarter of 2013. To meet these deadlines, the manufacturer has split into different production standards, as explained in the information report of the Senate No. 627 on the issue. The first standard (qualified IOC / Initial Operating Capability EIS / Entry In Service) will fit the transportation logistics. The second (called Standard Operating Capability for SOC1 No. 1, available in 2013) will conduct air-drop operations and limited early flight tactics. The SOC1.5 (2014) complements the capabilities of tactical flight, allows limited operations of refueling and allows all airdrop operations. The SOC2 (planned for 2015) will improve the possibilities of tactical flight. The SOC2.5 (2017) allow the realization of all refueling missions and missions of Search & Rescue. The latest standard (Soc3 planned for 2017) will allow the tactical flying at low altitude over the terrain tracking software.
The question of the cost of retrofitting of the first devices to newer standards has not really been addressed (and especially who will pay ...). The same question remains concerning the maintenance in operational condition (MCO) and the supply of spare parts, proving that concerns around this iconic European program are not all set. The A-400M program has caused much ink, and a few months to try out our new toy, it is time to try to see a little clearer.
Dare we say, the A-400M should be one of the best military transport aircraft ever built, simply because it brings together in one device capabilities of a strategic transport aircraft, a transport aircraft tactics and tanker aircraft: 37 tonnes maximum payload and 340 m3 of cargo space, 6,400 km range with 20 tons of load, it can fly at Mach 0.72 to more than 12,000 meters. But more than their technical characteristics, these are skills that are its strength: the strategic, tactical flight, ask assault landing and takeoff on short unprepared runways, drop, dropping pallet insertion of special forces for refueling aircraft hunting and helicopters or search and rescue capacity.
While the first devices do not know it all. The fault lies in one of the greatest complexities of the program, or FMS Flight Management System, software that makes the aircraft in flyable conditions and flight envelopes defined by the user countries. But for now, this software is not completed. This does not prevent him from flying, but it still can not perform all the stunts for which it is intended. This is why deliveries are divided into standard: FMS increases in complexity at each address. This also explains why the most difficult flying at low altitude terrain following, is saved for last.
All have been charged, or nearly this program: too slow, too complex, too expensive. Saul there is really only one complaint to both the partner states to Airbus that have been (too) ambitious. A-400M program actually started in 2003 for the first delivery in 2013: ten years for this type of program, it is a record. For the record, the Eurofighter program has spread from 1987 to 2004, the Rafale from 1983 to 2001 and the C-17 Globemaster III from 1981 to 1993 . Airbus require the creation of a completely new aircraft in just six years (as originally planned) was utopian and Airbus should have know.
Too complex, the A-400M? No, ambitious, once again, the proof will be made once it is fully operational.Certainly, there has been much development of setbacks, and some operators subcontractors have been unable to achieve in the time for which they were hired. TP400 engines, more powerful turboprop ever built in Europe, provided by EuroProp International (consortium of Rolls-Royce, SNECMA, MTU and ITP Aero Engine) focused a number of these difficulties: limited reliability of gear boxes, cooling pods problem , rupture of turbine blades and erratic development of control software engine, the FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control). The design of the cell has also revealed unexpected source: taxation late civil security standards (more stringent than the standards otaniennes), rear ramp to load and difficult problems with spears decoy.
To some minds picky, the A-400M aircraft is also too expensive, the cost per unit (without R & D or MCO) is between 110 and 130 million euros. Although the program has exceeded the expected costs of 25-50% according to different sources. But unfortunately it is the common lot of all major weapons programs systematically underestimated initially. When comparing it to other devices, such as C-17, C-130J-30 or AN-124, although officials believe that buying abroad shelf would have been preferable. Except that the comparisons are biased. When comparing the prices of two planes, one must first be sure that the cost includes the purchase price, but also research and development costs, maintenance costs over 20 or 30 years, and especially exchange rate euro / dollar. For example, the AN-124 (closer to the C-5 Galaxy C-17 ...) is a plane slightly cheaper than the A-400M. Except that it must take into account the adjustments that we would ask for such a device (motor Western modern avionics ...) and the high cost of this type of appliance maintenance, in addition to the difficulty in obtaining spare parts. With the A-400M, we do not buy a transport aircraft, but overall capabilities that go beyond what can each competitor independently.This is the price to pay for having the characteristics listed above. Even the British, yet users historic C-130 and C-17, were convinced, including the prospect of not leaving more money to fly to the United States. They are very eager to see us acquire a certain autonomy in strategic transport. But they would naturally this requires the purchase of American aircraft.
The A-400M is not just by upgrading civilian military aircraft rustic, but rather by the militarization of a new civilian aircraft, equivalent complexity to the A-380 (with which it shares some components elsewhere).This is not the same thing. The 400M is also the symbol of a certain success of European industry cooperation, although much remains perfectible.
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