Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Indonesian Mi-35P Repaired in Ukraine

Although Indonesia acquires Mi-35P Russian combat helicopters brand new from "Rostvertol", for repair these Indonesian machines it appears to prefer the Ukraine.
Participant under the nickname “lindr” on website forums.airforce.ru, studying public documentation of customs bodies of Ukraine, discovered that two Mi-35P combat helicopters first Russian supplies in 2003 was repair in Ukraine.
According to “lindr”, two Mi-35P with serial numbers 070385 and 070386 arrived in Ukraine from Indonesia for repairs in Aug. 3, 2012, and already 26 December 2012 were sent back. It comes with the Indonesian helicopter tail number HS-7129 and HS-7130, supplied under a contract with Indonesia "Rosoboronexport" in 2002 for two cars and delivered to Indonesia September 15, 2003.

Helicopters are a part of the 31st Squadron of Indonesian Army Aviation, stationed at the airport, Ahmad Yani (Semarang). Repair of both the helicopter to apparently SE Konotop plant "AVIAKON

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