Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Russia: Tiger armored M-equip the army in the first half of 2013

The armored Tiger-M will be adopted by the Russian army during the first half of 2013, said the spokesman of the military-industrial Company (VPK) Sergei Suvorov.

"It is expected that the Tiger-M, an improved version of Tiger armored vehicle, was officially adopted by the Russian army during the first half of 2013," said the spokesman.

This indicated that the wheeled armored vehicle was tested state and at the request of the sponsor manufacturer improved its ability to withstand mines.

According to Sergei Suvorov, mass production, including the export version had already been launched.Among the importing countries of the Tigris-M include Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea and Uruguay.

Capable of carrying up to 10 fully equipped troops, armor Tiger-M weighs 5300 kg wheel and offers payload capacity of 1,500 kg. Its maximum speed varies between 125 and 140 km / h. The shield and the system of protection against nuclear, chemical and biological Tiger-M have been strengthened compared to the previous version.

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