Renault Trucks Defense (Volvo Group) announced a series of commands armor in the Middle East and Africa at the opening of the exhibition Idex Sunday of arming in Abu Dhabi.

Renault Trucks Defense (RTD), which does not publish any figures, announced in press a command type 46 armored Sherpa station wagon, designed to conduct surveillance mission and patrol dangerous areas, passed through a "country Middle East "unidentified.
This shielded 9.6 tons, with a crew of five men can drive faster than 120 km / h and has a range of 800 km.
RTD announcement also have begun in Qatar to deliver ten armored troop transport Sherpa (12 men) and 22 Higard. The Higard is a tank of 20 tons for the riot police, equipped with non-lethal weapons capable of carrying 12 men with their equipment.
The contract had been passed by the Qatar Ministry of Interior in October.
RTD, a subsidiary of the Swedish group Volvo Panhard and includes brands Acmat, also announced the first 14 have achieved all-terrain ambulances ALTV for an unidentified African country.
"The show opens auspiciously," commented a spokesman from the manufacturer, within the dynamics of a market that has strong needs for border surveillance.
According to Les Echos on Thursday, Nexter hopes for his win a competition against the Finnish Patria and Turkish forces to equip Ottokar UAE 700 wheeled armored. He would then enter into exclusive negotiations to conclude the contract.
Such a command would be the first to export the VBCI Nexter, ordered 632 copies by the French Army.The website La Tribune economic evaluates the contract to nearly 2 billion euros, based on the unit price of 2.7 million euros for the French army.
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