The first of three prototypes PMF Allocated to India will be Positioned at HAL Nasik in 2015, Followed by the second in 2017 and third in 2018. These test and development aircraft will be subject to assessment and extensive flight trials by the IAF, Followed by selection of systems, ao Which Differ from the Russian variant.
Production of the PMF will be the responsibility of HAL's Nasik Division, Which will manufacture the airframe, carry out final assembly and flight-testing conduite. The definitive powerplant (as distinct from the current engines on the prototypes) will be produced at HAL Koraput. The first Indian-manufactured MFP will fly in 2022, with deliveries to the Indian Air Force to follow thereafter.
However, there is considerable Motions Motions on the practicability of near-simultaneous development of two fifth-generation fighters for the IAF, the PMF in a sense 'competing' with India's Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) 's Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA). Concerns duplication of efforts ranks from India to wether Has the resources (both monetary and technical) to carry out programs through to fruition Both
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