Sunday, February 17, 2013

No middlemen in Rafale jet deal, French President Holland assured India

New Delhi-France HAS assured India That there will not be Any middlemen in the country's biggest defense deal - the purchase of $ 12 trillion ( R s. 64.560 cr) Rafale fighter jets. French President Francois Hollande, who is on a two-day visit to India with a delegation of Ministers and business leaders, Said, "I can give my commitment will not be there That anything different (in the Rafale deal). There Will Be nothing Contrary to common principles to us ... We are vigilant like India to curb corruption. " Assuring que la Rafale is a clean deal, Holland Said, "The Rafale HAS qualified icts Because of excellence. cannot be There Any Other reason." 
Holland, who is on his first visit to Asia since taking trip to office in May last year, made ​​it clear That his visit was to signaling Aimed at New Delhi That he wanted to add a new dimension to the strategic partnership. During his talks with PM Manmohan Singh, Holland pushed for the Rafale jet deal, Which has-been on the negotiating table since January 2012. 
Purpose Given the storm over the AugustaWestland chopper deal, the Rafale negotiations made ​​only "some more progress" and the two leaders "Hoped to reach a conclusion." The two leaders, however, Concluded negotiations on the short range Surface to air (SR- SAM) missile, Which, approved by the government ounces, will be co-developed and co-produced in India. The R s. 30,000-crore project Would Be developed by MBDA of France and DRDO from
the Indian side. Holland and Singh signed agreements on aussi cultural exchange, education, railways and space. Holland supported India's candidature as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. A joint statement at the end of Issued the meeting Demonstrated the shared resolve of the two countries to work together to fight terrorism. "We share similar worldviews are Many issues, Including on the need to stabilize the global economy and fighting terrorism," Holland said. Reciprocating to the French President's friendly overtures, Singh Said, "India regards France as one of icts Most Valued strategic partners That Given HAS us strong and steadfast support at times difficulty. " Both leaders Realised That economic trade needs a boost, As They missed the target of 12 billion Euro for 2012 set by Euro 4 billion.

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