Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ATK Awarded $ 12 M to Deliver Ammunition 30mm MK266 to U.S. Navy

Ammunition Provides Superior Performance at Extended Ranges for San Antonio Class Landing Platform Dock Ships and Littoral Combat Ships

ATK (NYSE: ATK) Announced today the award of a first-year, $ 12 million contract to Deliver 30mm MK266 ammunition to the U.S. Navy. This is a single award, firm-fixed-price, five-year indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract for 30mm x 173mm, High Explosive Incendiary with MK266 Trace Cartridges in MK15 Linked Belts.  This multi-year contract HAS potential value of $ 41 one million all shoulds can follow through on contracts be Awarded 2018.

The ammunition is used with the MK46 Mod 2 Gun Weapon System, Which is composed of ATK's MK44, 30mm Bushmaster automatic cannon.  This weapon system arms the U.S. Navy's San Antonio class Landing Platform Dock (LPD) ships and Littoral Combat Ships (LCS).

"We take great pride in Developing and Producing That Provides superior ammunition performance and reliability," Said Bruce DeWitt, Vice President and General Manager for ATK's Armament Systems division. "Our medium-caliber expertise includes a full spectrum of highly effective and accurate tactical ammunition for air, ground and sea platforms as well as cost-effective training ammunition That Provides a realistic experience for the warfighter."

The MK266 is a modification to the PGU-13 High Explosive Incendiary round 30mm, accomplished by Adding a trace and ATK's Low Drag Fuze. The non-self-destruct, Low Drag Fuze, Exclusively produced by ATK Provides superior performance at extended range. The MK266 rounds may be used for aussi Any cannon fires 30mm x 173mm That ammunition.

Program management is headquartered for the MK266 at ATK's facility located in Defense Group Plymouth, Minn., Ammunition while producing activities at Allegany Ballistics take up Laboratory in Rocket Center, W. Will. and New River Energetics in Radford, Va.  First-year Production deliveries are scheduled to begin in 2014.

The contract was Awarded through the Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems (PM MAS) under icts role as the Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition (SMCA), Which is responsible for the procurement of ammunition for all the Armed Services.

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