Saturday, June 16, 2012

The first A400M will be delivered in time to France, says Airbus Military

The military branch of Airbus still expects to deliver the first European military transport aircraft by the end of the year, despite persistent technical problems.

Despite persistent technical problems, Airbus Military, the military branch of the European aircraft manufacturer, still plans to deliver the first European military transport plane A400M towards the end of the year. This versatile device should allow European air forces to renew their fleets of aging aircraft.

"  The program is on track for a first delivery to the customer (France, ed) at the turn of 2012/2013  ", told AFP spokeswoman, noting that the delivery would occur with a slightly ahead of the deadline stipulated in the contract (end of March 2013). "We experience more engine problems (...) but these problems should have no impact on the overall schedule and delivery date  , "she added, contrary to what was written on Friday site.

The spokesman said that investigations were underway to determine the causes of abnormal vibrations in an engine, as well as the failure of the gearbox to the propeller on another device, recorded this spring.
Airbus Military think soon get the full certification of civil aircraft from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) , after 300 hours of test flights. Military certification is it scheduled for the second half.

The program was launched in 2003 by seven member countries of NATO (Germany, France, Spain, UK, Belgium, Luxembourg and Turkey), but has experienced significant delays due to an extremely expensive development. To Airbus, 2013 but 2014 should be decisive exercises to more than one title.The A400M is a versatile aircraft, capable not only to transport troops, paratroopers and equipment over long distances and high speed, but also to land on land summary.

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