Saturday, June 16, 2012

AR3 370 mm or 300 mm multiple launcher rocket system

AR3 370 mm / 300 mm multiple launcher rocket system
Norinco - China

The AR3 370 mm / 300 mm multiple launcher rocket system can fire both 370 mm and 300 mm rockets by using launching-transporting container system.
With guided rockets and simple controlled rockets, the AR3 MLRS features long range, high firing accuracy, great battlefield coverage, mass and violent fire-power, high lethality ammunition, as well as highly automatic operation, short fire reaction time, high mobility and high survivability. By accurately suppressing and eliminating enemy strong-point, area targets and concentrated targets with instantaneous and intensive fire-power, AR3 370 mm / 300 mm MLRS provides significant campaign and tactical values.
The AR3 MLRS can execute fire missions normally by battalion or battery as its basic firing unit, yet it can also execute fir missions autonomously by single launcher. With advanced meteorological survey system, command & control system and support system, effective fire assault and neutralization of various ground targets can be implemented.


Caliber: 370 mm / 300 mm
Number of tubes: 4+4 or 5+5
Combat weight: 45 t
Cruising range: 650 km
Maximum firing range: 220 km
Minimum firing range: 20 km
Accuracy: CEP 50 m
Laying accuracy: 1 mil
Reaction time at battalion level: 20 s
Reaction time at battery level: 15 s
Operating temperature: -20°C to +55°C
Altitude above sea-level: 3000 m
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