Sunday, February 17, 2013

Eurocopter India: a small contract, a wholesale slow to materialize

The helicopter subsidiary of European EADS signed a 40 million euro with India on February 14, in conjunction with the official visit of François Hollande. Eurocopter but still awaiting a decision from New Delhi in a market of 600 million running since 2007.

Successfully subdued. Holland alongside President, the leaders of Eurocopter initialed satisfaction with the contract with the Indian Aviators India that focuses on seven firm aircraft orders and 43 type EC135 options for an initial amount of 40 million euros. What will make Aviators India Ltd the leading provider of private medical emergency equipment India .

"This signals the creation of the UAS activity, which did not exist in India, it is a great pride for us" , says welcomes you in Marignane, Eurocopter headquarters Provence.

India would be synonymous with success for world leader. But on 13 February, in the lair of the Council of Defense Acquisition (DAC) of the Indian Ministry of Defense, is an entirely different market, more juicy one, which did not come all the way up 'purse to Eurocopter.

A contract for the delivery of 197 helicopters, surveillance and reconnaissance (RSH) type AS 550 C3 Fennec for the Indian Air Force, valued at $ 600 million. The tender short five years and has been revived twice. Effect in 2007, the European group emerged winner of the race with the Russian Kamov after months of negotiations. In December, Eurocopter was forced to announce the cancellation of the contract by New Delhi, amid irregularities in the allocation process and allegations of corruption in the press.  

A second tender was launched to the market a few years later, for which Eurocopter and Kamov are rival in the lead. Since then, meetings of the DAC ministerial councils, the final decision was postponed indefinitely.

According to Indian media , February 13, the DAC has once again decided to defer its choice in the award of this contract . Eurocopter side, it ensures not have been informed of a postponement of the decision."We are even more confident that this contract lead and optimism remains the same a few days ago when we went to the lounge AeroIndia in Bangalore aircraft. fleet of military helicopters of the Indian Air Force is very old, it needs to be renewed. Indians know our equipment, Eurocopter has been present in this country for over 50 years " , supports do we Marignane.

According to Indian media reports specialized in aeronautics gathered at the show last week AeroIndia , Eurocopter representatives have informed the Indian authorities that they offer, which expires on March 31, will not be renewed without visibility when the future of the market.

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