19.2% is the increase of sales of Dassault Aviation in 2012 compared to the previous year. It amounted to 3.9 billion euros. The aerospace group which will publish its annual results on March 14 provides no details on the distribution of sales between its core business, Business Aviation, and Defense division.Early 2012, the group expected a stability of its business, $ 3.3 billion, before raising its target in October, however, without giving range increase. At the end of the third quarter, the group recorded 37 orders against private jet Falcon 30 aircraft at the end of September 2011. At the same time, he had delivered 43 against 35 a year earlier. He finally delivered 7 Rafale combat aircraft.
Activity level close to 2010
Dassault is therefore a level of activity similar to that of 2010 (4187000000). Indeed, the turnover fell by 21% in 2011 due to lower shipments of sales compared to 2010 was the best year in the history of the Falcon.
Finalization of the contract for the Rafale in India
The year 2013 may well be that the sale of Rafale export contract with India. Dassault is in exclusive talks with India for sale of 126 copies. "I express a realistic optimism for 2013", told AFP the new CEO of the group, Eric Trappier, told AFP. He even felt that is was "a good goal." CEO of Dassault Aviation had also confirmed that the sale of 63 additional aircraft "fai (sai) t of the options considered by the Indian authorities."
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