Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bio Sensor Information Demonstrator

A consortium led by Sagem, with Hidalgo and the Institute of Biomedical Research of the Army, recently handed over the Bio Sensor Demonstrator Information to the European Defence Agency (EDA) after a twelve-month elaboration and development.

The Aims of this project to generate Were Operational Requirements for soldiers 'health status, to Investigate feasible and sensor solutions for Assessment to the integration into the soldiers' C4I systems through a thorough analysis and a validation falling on a representative demonstration.

The realistic Operational Requirements for a soldier's Health Monitoring System (HMS) with APPROBATION Were the involvement of participating Member States (pMS), European Union Military Staff (EUMS) and EDA experts in March 2012. The Demonstration Phase was Performed in September 2012 at Sagem's Development Centre of Massy in France and included laboratory and operational tests.

This study allowed HAS Identifying the Operational Requirements for a HMS integrated in a Soldier's Combat system. The data analysis aussi Assessed and information needed for Both medical and command chains in operational situations. With limited integration efforts and improvements, current technologies and systems Could be Effectively used in training assignments in the shorter term.

The pMS for Assessment will now study the results, if applicable compares Them With Their national Discuss results and the way forward in the respective R & T and Capability Within EDA panels.

More information:

    An Executive Summary of the project is available here.

    For more information on Future Soldier Systems, click here.

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