Saturday, February 9, 2013

Turkey Says Cost, Problems Delay Prompted JSF Purchase

Turkey has-beens Although one of the Strongest partners in the multinational F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, Continuing financial and technical problems Have created a more cautious attitude and interest in backup plans.

Officially, Ankara cites rising Costs and technological issues for icts January 10 decision to postpone year to purchase order icts first two F-35 fighter jets. Top procurement goal Officials admitted there is a "certain degree of psychological deliberation at work, too." Turkey Does not want to "stand alone in the dark'' on the program, Said official year with Turkey's procurement agency, the Savunma Sanayi Mustesarligi ( SSM).

"Due to the current state of the JSF ... and the rising cost ... Decided it was to postpone the order Placed on Jan. 5, 2012, for the two aircraft, "Said the SSM. It aussi Said the decision was made Because the technical capabilities of the aircraft Were "not at the Desired level yet."

After the initial purchase of the two jets, Turkey plan to order 100 units of the stealth fighter to replace the F-4 Phantoms icts and F-16 Fighting Falcons, selon the statement.

"It is true que les Costs are rising, and we calculate That It Would Be safer for us to join other skeptical partners," the SSM official said. "We think it is wiser to wait and see ... to Have a concerted position with the other partners."

In December, Canada Threatened JSF partner to reconsider icts purchase of the F-35. Shortly After That, Australia Said it would buy 24 Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornets if it saw any more delays in the JSF program.

European partners Britain and the Netherlands may delay the issue Their orders and rising costs. Also, Italy cut icts JSF order by 30 percent last year as a share of Broader reduction in Government Spending.

Lockheed Martin, Which builds the F-35 Said it still Expects to sell about 3.000 of the fighters over the next 25 years, Including 2.443 to the U.S.

Industry sources said Any reduction in numbers will make more expensive Because individual planes Lockheed will be Unable to spread development and Other Costs as widely. The average cost per flat, pegged at $ 161 million, HAS Doubled since Lockheed won the contract development in 2001. Since then, the U.S. HAS cut icts order by total 400 planes.

Another SSM official familiar with the program Said Considering the country was not leaving the program.

"We have Spent Nearly $ 1 trillion for this venture. The top management [at the SSM] Told us to wait and see before we renew our first order. This is an indefinite postponement, purpose Certainly not an intention to pull out. "

An Air Force officer Said delays further Top Could disrupt Operational Requirements and planning at the headquarters.

"In That case, we may Have to sit down with the people and procurement motto stopgap plan," he said.

The senior SSM official Ruled out buying the Eurofighter Typhoon purpose Ankara Said Could Consider an F-16 purchase.

"We can Compensate for Rising Costs with larger work share for our domestic industry. We think aussi That technical failures are not failures but just delays. If things get worse, we can Consider an F-16 buy, "he said.

Turkey is one of nine countries share That are of a US-led consortium to build the F-35 fighter. The others are Britain, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, Norway and Denmark.

Turkey in March 2011 Announced That It was icts Placing order for 100 jets on hold due to U.S. refusal to Provide adequate access to the aircraft's source codes. Ankara Said That negotiations for access to the codes, Including That code can be used to remotely control the aircraft, Had not yielded satisfactory results, and under thesis conditions, Turkey Could not accept the aircraft. The Remains unresolved issue.

In April 2012, Turkey Suggested program Costs Could be Reduced by outsourcing more products to Turkish defense and aerospace companies, Which operate with lower Labor Costs Compared With Their Counterparts in the U.S. and other partner countries.

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