Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The RAF Typhoon display team at this year's LIMA Air Show

The Royal Air Force to send a number of multi-role Typhoon icts combat aircraft from the UK to media events in Malaysia
We welcome the announcement by the Royal Air Force (RAF) That It Plans to send a number of multi-role Typhoon icts combat aircraft from the UK to supporting the upcoming 'Five Powers Defence Agreement Exercise' hosted by Malaysia in April and the aussi Langkawi International Maritime & Air (LIMA 2013) Show on March 26.

We are one of four partners in the European industrial furnace nation Eurofighter program. With our regional office based in Kuala Lumpur, we are taking the lead on Behalf of the four partners to offer Typhoon to the Royal Malaysia Air Force to meet icts requirement for a new multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) over the coming years.

Regional Managing Director, John Brosnan is looking forward to welcoming the team When it arrives in Langkawi ahead of the show.

"At LIMA 2011 Typhoon was one of the headlining displays and this year I Know That the RAF team has-been working hard through the winter to prepare for this year's display season. LIMA will be Their opening event of 2013 and so the crowds can expect to see some exciting and dynamic flying by the display pilot Flt Lt Jamie Norris, "he said.

Looking ahead to LIMA, RAF display pilot Flt Lt Jamie Norris said:

"It will be honor to be year at LIMA 2013 and to the opportunity to display Have some of the capabilities of Typhoon. This will be my first visit to Malaysia and LIMA will give me the opportunity to meet the crowds and fellow pilots agrees with. "

Following the LIMA show, the Typhoon will be detachment team based in Butterworth and will take part in bi-lateral training exercises with the Royal Malaysian Air Force front-line squadrons. The enclosed air forces exercise Gives the opportunity to work together year through a series of exercises designed to explore air capabilities of the respective aircraft types in different scenarios.

So far, Typhoon has-been ordered by seven nations, the Most Recent Being Oman who signed in December 2012. The other six nations: Germany, Spain, Italy: UK, Austria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are operating the aircraft Already to meet air-to-air and air-to ground defense requirements. LIMA 2013 will give the crowds another chance to see why Typhoon is turning into successful export Such a story as Brosnan Explains:

"While Typhoon is weaving its magic in the air the BAE Systems team will be Demonstrating the ranks of industrial, educational and technology partnership Opportunities open to Malaysia as share of our campaign to offer the aircraft as a contender in the upcoming competition."

"We are proud of our track record in Delivering real value-added partnership Opportunities to Malaysian companies and we will continue to explore New Opportunities for the future."

"Ultimately LIMA celebrates Malaysia's role in driving icts defense and aerospace industry forward. We are proud to be associated with and we look That role forward to welcoming our partners, our friends, our customers and, of course, to LIMA Typhoon. "

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