Sunday, February 17, 2013

The missile menu a meeting in Moscow Russian-American

Missile defense and arms control was the center of a Friday meeting Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Ryabkov with Deputy U.S. Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller, announced the Department of Information and Press the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"The discussion focused on the issue of missile defense, arms control, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the security of space activities, as well as the prospects for our cooperation in these areas," the ministry said.

Ms. Gottemoeller M.Riabkov and co-chair the working group on arms control and international security of the Russian-American Presidential Commission.

The two diplomats also discussed bilateral cooperation in the framework of the Russian-American agreement on transportation, storage and dismantling weapons signed on 17 June 1992 ("Nunn-Lugar"), according to the Russian Ministry.

Launched in 1991 at the initiative of U.S. Senators Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar, the disarmament program, also known as CTR (Cooperative Threat Reduction Programs), aimed at helping countries post-Soviet space to destroy stockpiles and monitor nuclear, biological and chemical present on their soil. In October 2012, Russia announced that it renouvèlerait not participating in the program, if significant amendments are not made.

M.Riabkov said in an interview with RIA Novosti that Russian-American talks would focus on the development of a new document on cooperation in nuclear, intended to replace the Nunn-Lugar program, which expires in June 2013.

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