Thursday, February 14, 2013

Russia to continue Syria arms supply

Russia is continuing to supply “defensive” weapons to Syria, the head of the state arms exporter said on Wednesday.
“We are continuing to fulfil our contract obligations because Syria is not under any sanctions of the United Nations Security Council,” Anatoly Isaikin, Director of Rosoboronexport, told a press conference in Moscow.
Mr. Isaikin denied reports that Russia had supplied high precision ground-to-ground missiles Iskander to Syria or any other offensive weapons.
“We are mostly shipping air defence systems and repair equipment for various branches of the military,” he said.
Russia has recently shipped to Syria Bastion anti-ship missile system armed with supersonic Yakhont cruise missiles (forerunner of the Indo-Russian BrahMos), as well as Pantsyr-S1 and Buk-M2 air defence systems.
The official said Russia has not sent any combat planes or helicopters to Syria, but acknowledged that his company had a yet-to-be-honoured contract for the supply of Yak-130 jet trainers, which can also be used as combat aircraft.

The Rosoboronexport chief said more defence deliveries are in the pipeline under existing contracts with Syria as this does not contravene international law or U.N. Security Council resolutions.

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