Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lockheed Martin Awaits After Signing For Pick C2 UAE Air and Missile Defense

Lockheed Martin is hoping to sign a contract Following a pick by the United Arab Emirates as preferred bidder for year advanced air command and control system, a company executive Said Sunday.

"It was in the July timeframe down We Were selected as the preferred bidder," Said Clifton Spier, Middle East and executive vice president of solutions at the C2 Information Systems & Global Solutions division.

"They're going through the review and approval process," Spier Said at the International Defense Exhibition & Conference (IDEX), Which opened here Sunday.

The selection by the UAE is seen as vital as Lockheed Martin hopes to sell the technology repackaged and C2 badged as Diamond Shield to other countries around the Arabian Gulf region.

Lockheed beat a rival offer from TRS (TRS) for the UAE's Extended Air Defense Ground Environment-processing program, a battle management system for air operations, defense against ballistic Which includes missiles.

TRS, a joint venture Thales and Raytheon Between, got written notice of the UAE's selection of Lockheed in the summer, a French defense expert in Paris on Feb Said. 14.

TRS Declined how.

After the down select, UAE Authorities gave updates on the Lockheed Requirements, Including Where the site is to be Deployed system and the communications needed.

The information allowed the U.S. company to fine tune icts proposal, updated annually file submission, and start negotiations around September.

"We Concluded our negotiations in the end of December," Spier said.

"We're expecting something in the next 45 days," he said. "They've got to make Their final decision. I knew They Have Made Their recommendations.

"They might come back and re-open negotiations on some part. It's really in Their Hands, "he said.

Lockheed executives believe their selection was due to use of state of the art, commercial off-the-shelf products, seven years' investment company in Mission command and control infrastructure, and open software architecture.

That open architecture Helped lower pricing, expected to be much less than was reported about estimate of $ 1 trillion for the UAE.

The Proposed system offers key functions in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, planning missions, and integrated air offensive and defensive operations for operations.

Lockheed HAS Adapted and broadened the C2 technology Developed SPECIFICALLY for the UAE and the company is marketing it under the name Diamond Shield, Said Wes Clark, manager for C4ISR solutions business development.

The Diamond Shield system uses a network-centric approach and allows tasks Such land and maritime power protection in addition to the original as integrated air and missile defense.

Radars can be plugged into the system to give a situational awareness and operators can see what assets can be used against a threat.

Diamond Shield is a Powerful Intended as strength increase, and uses decision-support tools and automated schedule to allow ease of use. The lath are seen as a key Given shortage of trained staff in the Gulf region.

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