Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Israel, chemical weapons under the control of Syrian Assad regime

 The regime of President Bashar al-Asad control chemical weapons held by Syria, but Israel must open the eye so that these weapons do not fall into the hands of Al Qaeda or Hezbollah, said Sunday a senior Israeli official.

For the moment the chemical weapons held by Syria remained under the control of the Assad regime, told army radio Amos Gilad, head of Political Affairs Ministry of Defence.

The Syrian regime has not allowed the insurgency to seize these weapons, but the plan is at an advanced stage of decay, said the former general reserve, which must be opened by the eye at every moment because there are terrorist organizations that reinforce Syria as Al Qaeda and Hezbollah.

Asked about possible contacts between Israel and opponents of the Syrian regime, Amos Gilad stressed the need to act intelligently by adopting a low profile. It is not useful to talk about the existence or absence of contacts.

Amos Gilad has also declined to say whether the seven Syrians wounded as Israeli army rescued Saturday on the Golan Heights before being transported to the hospital Ziv in Safed in Galilee, were insurgents or supporters of the Assad regime .

They requested humanitarian assistance on an individual basis, they needed medical treatment, Israel came to their aid, it is merely asserted.

Questioned by AFP, a spokesman for the hospital Ziv, Yael Shavit said that all the injured had been made. One of them happened in critical condition is now in serious condition, others are less seriously injured, she said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his part, reiterated on Sunday at the Council of Ministers that the disintegration of the Syrian regime would be one of the topics that will be discussed during the visit scheduled March 20 U.S. President Barack Obama in Israel.

We saw yesterday (Saturday) fighting that took place at our border. We will continue to defend our borders and prevent the entry (Syrians) in Israel except in exceptional cases, isolated, which will be discussed one by one, said Netanyahu.

Public radio reported that the Israeli army feared that the arrival of the seven Syrians set a precedent that could encourage an influx of Syrian refugees that could benefit terrorist organizations to infiltrate into Israel.

The radio also said that the army continued to strengthen the security fence on the Syrian Golan Heights occupied and annexed by Israel.

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