Friday, February 8, 2013

Iran denies direct talks with the USA (agency)

Spiritual leader and supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, rejected Washington's initiative to hold direct talks with the U.S. on the Iranian nuclear program, said on Thursday the Western media.

At the security conference held last week in Munich, Germany, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said Washington did not abandon direct negotiations with Tehran on resolving the Iranian nuclear issue, provided that this dialogue one specific agenda.

The United States and other countries accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons under cover of its nuclear program that claims to make for peaceful purposes. Recognizes Tehran to enrich uranium to 20%, but says its nuclear activities are only intended to satisfy the needs of the country's electricity.

It was announced Tuesday that the new round of negotiations between Iran and the six international mediators on Iran's nuclear issue (Russia, USA, Great Britain, France, China and Germany) will be held February 26 in Almaty, Kazakhstan .

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