Wednesday, February 20, 2013

German government troops for Chartered Mali 330 Support

Germany's cabinet Agreed to send up to 330 armed military staff to Mali to train troops and icts Provide logistics and transport for French and West African soldiers fighting Islamist rebels.
The German mission, Which still needs approval of the Bundestag lower house of the parliament, Would not be allowed to take part in Any fighting, government spokesman Steffen Seibert Said in a statement.

France feels military force to Mali in January to halt a push by rebels linked to al Qaeda Feared That Could Western powers turn the West African country into a springboard for further Top attacks, Reuters reports.

The French Intervention HAS pushed the insurgents out of northern Mali's urban centers hand into the mountains and desert.

Up to 180 German servicemen and women will join a European Union military training Mission in Mali, Berlin said.

Would help another 150 transportation troops and African and French aircraft fuel falling on the one-year mission, it added.

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