Monday, February 4, 2013

Chinese manufacturers show their strength

Aircraft carriers, missiles, drones: Beijing invests all technology sectors. Manufacturers have benefited from civilian technologies not subject to embargo.
Which series! In recent months, Chinese media have continued to exhibit brand new military technology, illustrating the speed of the rise in the country. Latest success, a few days ago the presentation of Y-20, a military transport aircraft manufactured by Xi'an, a subsidiary of aerospace giant AVIC (see video below).

Should we see the will of the outgoing management team, often criticized in the economic, display an exemplary record with the army? The Y-20 is in any case a crucial piece for any army that claims to deploy thousands of kilometers from its borders, as illustrated by the French operation Serval Mali. Even if its wing inspired by his big brother Russian, IL76, and its back is not unrelated to the American Boeing C17, China has achieved its objective was set in the 1990s have its own aircraft, capable of carrying up to 66 tons of material. Commissioning should take place within a few years.

Almost at the same time, Beijing has announced a successful anti-missile missile technology experts believe that all sharp and in which only the United States position seriously today.

End of November, China had also caused a sensation by exhibiting at the Zhuhai Airshow, UCAVs, "Yi Long", developed by Chengdu, another subsidiary of AVIC. We can add to this list the staging, in September, the aircraft carrier (Soviet invoice) Liaoning, on which a J-15 fighter has managed since the landings and takeoffs, other basic steps.

An impressive rise

"You can take every niche sector, there is not one on which China has not positioned," said one expert, impressed by the ability to conduct multiple fighting technology at the same time.

The stealth fighters are not immune to the trend. In recent years, Beijing can count on the manufacturing group Sheniang fighter aircraft J20 and J31, although nobody knows exactly how they escape the radar.Combat helicopters Z10 and Z19 are also homemade products. Even in terms of location, Beijing has deployed its rival the American GPS system, called Beidou.

At sea, the attack strategy is also on all fronts. At the same time that the aircraft carrier program, China is investing in nuclear submarine ballistic missile, without knowing all the success she hopes in this area.But his desire to control this device indispensable to any modern nuclear deterrence is no doubt.

If we add the fact that the space program is fully controlled by the army, and the likely future defense minister, Chang Wanquan, has been the leader, it is clear that there is no area of ​​potential confrontation, including Outer neglected by Beijing. In the end, the same court specialist "in the region, only the Japanese would still be able to stand up to China in case of conflict." Vietnam and the Philippines, which have territorial disputes with Beijing, aware that they would not weight.

China reaps benefits of a policy implemented in the early 2000s that gave priority to civil technologies, relying on the duality of some of them to help the military. A strategy in which Western societies have rushed because the embargo on arms sales only concerns weapons called lethal. Enjoying the porosity between civilian and military technology, Beijing has learned very quickly.

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