Armament, Beijing has often surprised observers by its rapid progress. Except that possess a respected equipment does not necessarily mean the best to use.

Another problem for the organization. For historical reasons, China has not formally Army, but a "People's Liberation Army" with the navy, air force and second artillery (nuclear deterrence, Ed) are that fumes.Joint Command, which is the strength of the Western countries, does not exist. This deficiency has been identified, but its resolution is hampered by the conservatism of the Chinese machine. Without the ability to operate jointly air force, navy and army, it is impossible to effectively conduct combat complex.
Show of force "fairly distant from the reality of modern warfare"
Finally, the Chinese army is too numerous effective, given the importance of technology, and what is more inexperienced. Since the war with India in 1962, and that against Vietnam in 1979, Beijing has not delivered serious combat. Foreign observers have the opportunity to attend military exercises back sometimes perplexed by the highly stereotyped, even close to the choreography, demonstrations of force "fairly distant from the reality of modern warfare."
China knows that. She began to venture outside its borders in international missions. A combat unit was sent to Sudan and Navy participates in the fight against piracy off the Horn of Africa. To become truly credible, we must practice in Beijing.
Which may lead China in two contradictory directions. It may include international coalitions and therefore adopt a diplomatic posture less divergent compared to Westerners. She chooses the conflict within the framework of one of his many territorial disputes. Many experts are strong enough to judge the likelihood of a confrontation in the South China Sea.
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