Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Afghanistan: London could withdraw its troops via Tajikistan

Britain conducts negotiations with Tajikistan on the withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan via Tajikistan ground, announced Tuesday RIA Novosti Tajik Ministry of Transport.

"The signing of an agreement on the transit of military cargo and British troops in Afghanistan through the territory of Tajikistan has been the focus of a meeting of the Tajik Minister of Transport Nizom Khakimov with the Ambassador of Great Britain in Tajikistan Robin Jeremy Ord-Smith, "said a spokesman for the ministry.

The two leaders also noted the need to sign as soon as possible an intergovernmental agreement on air link between Britain and Tajikistan.

Britain plans to complete the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Last week, London has announced that it offered Leyland DAF trucks and spare parts for Land Rover vehicles in Uzbekistan for permission to withdraw a portion of military hardware and equipment by Uzbek territory.

According to the Minister of Defence Philip Hammond, the Uzbek parliament has ratified an agreement on transit will enter into force after the completion of the necessary procedures in London. Britain and Uzbekistan have signed three bilateral agreements on transit in London that will remove civilian equipment and tanks by rail as well as military equipment and troops by air.

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