Tuesday, June 26, 2012

TTP Suicidal Terrorists Accept Affiliation with America, NATO

ISLAMABAD: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) – a banned group of mercenaries backed by America, NATO, United Kingdom, Israhell and India to fight a proxy war against Pakistan through indiscriminate suicide bombings across the country, has admitted for the first time that they are using the Afghan soil as a springboard for launching attacks on Pakistani security forces. The acknowledgment gives credence to Islamabad’s claims that the TTP has found safe havens in Afghanistan’s eastern provinces bordering Pakistan. Pakistani officials believe that the top TTP cadres – including Maulana Fazlullah, Maulvi Faqir and Waliur Rehman – and hundreds of their loyalists had fled a string of military offensives in Swat, and Bajaur and Mohmand agencies since 2008 to seek shelter in Afghanistan and were then given safe havens by American and NATO forces.

“Maulana Fazlullah is leading TTP attacks from Afghanistan’s border provinces and is in touch with fighters in Malakand division”, Sirajuddin, the spokesperson for TTP’s Malakand chapter, told a private news channel by phone from an undisclosed location. “We regularly move across the porous border”, he added. He claimed that Fazlullah was commanding over a thousand diehard fighters. Sirajuddin added that the TTP hierarchy and fighters fled to Afghanistan in recent months and now they are settled in the country’s border regions. This also explains the frustrated attack on Salalah by American and NATO forces which martyred 24 Pakistani soldiers who were keeping their hireling terrorists from re-entering Pakistan, preventing the Americans and NATO from carrying out masked suicide bombings across their habitually back stabbed former ally country.

Until this month the administration of President Hamid Karzai was in denial about TTP’s bases in Afghanistan. However, Kabul has now conceded the presence of ‘some TTP militants’ in the border regions, according to a senior Pakistani official.

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