Tuesday, June 19, 2012

China and India want to end the American monopoly in missile systems

The development of anti-missile systems and anti-satellite is not a prerogative of the United States and Russia. This equipment is also developed by many other countries, including China, Israel and India. The development of these systems, caused by the proliferation of missiles, becomes an integral part of the military-industrial policy of the major states of Eurasia.

The issue of China's potential in this sector was raised for the first time in January 2007. It was then that the launch of an interceptor missile that destroyed the Chinese weather satellite Feng Yun-1C was carried from the territory of the PRC. The interception of the spacecraft at an altitude of 864 kilometers by a direct hit is proof that China has great potential in this area.

To assess the significance of this event, it must be remembered that most military satellites is placed on a lower orbit. The attack against a constellation of satellites could jeopardize the potential of a modern army, whose actions are impossible without this "spatial component".

However, the situation is different with the development of devices of Chinese missile defense. The interception of a ballistic missile is different from the interception of a satellite in terms of time it takes for the system detects the target, its classification, as well as solutions for its launch. China no longer has the capacity to deploy a modern, full air defense. The device among the most advanced anti-missile systems in service today in the Chinese army, the S-300PMU/PMU2 purchased from Russia.As for the own capabilities in this area, they are limited for now to create copies of the Russian device, known as the HQ-9 code.

The potential missile from China is therefore in the first stage of the development. These defense systems are able to defend against aircraft and cruise missiles, but not against ballistic missiles.

The development of anti-satellite systems in India was discussed dice the first launches into space in this country. Especially after the successful test launch of Agni 5, whose range exceeds 5000 km, these projects were discussed seriously in the Indian command. "The launch of Agni 5 opened a new era. In addition to new features of our strategic defense, the missile opens up fantastic in creating anti-satellite weapons and launching small satellites, "said Vijay Kumar Saraswat, Chief of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the 'Indian government agency, responsible for the development of military technology.

According to experts, the "hunter satellite" India will be created based on the Soviet model of such weapons. The operating principle of this system is simple: the interceptor released in orbit, making the reconciliation maneuver, and destroyed the enemy spacecraft with an explosion directed. The advantage of this method is that it guarantees an interception safer, but at the expense of time it takes the whole operation.

Anti-satellite defense is less relevant for India as missile defense. A long history of complicated relations with Pakistan and China, which both have a large arsenal of missiles of short and intermediate range, capable of targeting targets in India, forcing the country to closely monitor foreign technological elaborations on missile defense.

India develops its own technologies for missile defense for a long time but for now these studies have not been successful. Specialists of Indian military-industrial complex using a medium-range ballistic missile as the basis for the missile interceptor. The lack of modern radars, which would correspond to standard U.S. Aegis systems or new Russian radars, is also problematic.

India is trying to compensate for the lack of such systems by acquiring foreign devices. The Israel strongly influences the country's policy in this area because it is his longtime partner in the military.However, providing India with medium-range guided missiles, Israel has not provided India the Arrow system, capable of intercepting ballistic targets. The reason that this - this is the position of the United States: Arrow was created through a significant participation of the United States, and Americans are not very willing to share their technologies to third countries, especially if they are not their military allies. In 2002, the U.S. has already blocked an agreement, and India could not get that two Green Pine radar, as she hoped to get the Arrow system as a whole.

If India reaches agreement on purchase of Russian S-400 systems or S-300VMD, it will have a real chance to build a missile defense system operational in the near future. / G.

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