Thursday, June 21, 2012

Vietnam Offered to Buy 18 Su-30K From Belarus

Vietnam wants to buy 18 Su-30K ex Indian Air Force (now located in Belarus) and then upgraded them all (photo : Bharat Rakshak)

"Rosoboronexport" has found a potential buyer to Russian fighter Su-30K, located in Belarus. As the "B", in May Vietnamese  military delegation visited the 558th Aircraft Repair Plant in Baranavichy, who was willing to purchase all 18 aircrafts. Price, for which Russia is ready to part with heavy fighters, so attractive that Vietnam, used to buy only new equipment, ready to begin negotiations on the acquisition is second-hand. If Vietnam begin concrete negotiations for the first time since the establishment of state monopoly of "Rosoboronexport" in the market of one country will be competing just two Russian aircraft company.
The fact that in mid-May Vietnamese delegation arrived to Belarus,  said a source at the 558 th Aircraft Repair Plant to "Kommersant". According to him, representatives of the Vietnamese came to study the proposal for the purchase of 18 Su-30K units. "The Vietnamese have been shown a few fighters that they have examined, and then got an offer from Russia to start pre-contract work. Emphasis was placed on the fact that the state of the Su-30K after the assessment carried out by specialists recognized even if not perfect, but good enough - says source "B." - managed to convince them that the plant has all the capabilities to carry out repairs and modernization of the fighters under their specific needs. "Source: "B", which is close to the "Rosoboronexport", the fact of the visit of the Vietnamese at the plant confirmed, refusing to comment further. Another interviewee, "B" emphasized that the parties have not yet talked about the deal. "We have a desire to begin negotiations soon," - he said. From the official declined to comment in the "Rosoboronexport", and 558-m aircraft factory, and the "Irkut" Corporation.
Recall that in late November, the 18 Su-30K, were in the Indian Air Force, were transported by military aircraft, transport aircraft in the territory of Belarus, where they planned to repair and upgrade to the version of the Su-30KN, followed by sale (see "B" on September 16, 2011). As in 1996, Russia technically could not immediately create 18 advanced Su-30MKI, India had offered to purchase the same number of machines, but in a simplified form - Su-30K. But with the condition that they were later replaced by the same amount of high-grade Su-30MKI and Su-30K back to Russia and will be owned by the manufacturer - "Irkut" Corporation. New fighter jets have been delivered, and the old ones were not in Russia and in Belarus. Baranovichi: it is possible to "Irkut" to avoid paying customs duties for import of aircraft to Russia.
For all the "Belarusian" Russia intends to bail out the fighters at least $ 270 million (about $ 15 million for a unit with a view of modernizing), which compared with a market value of 18 new Su-30 (more than $ 1 billion) is just a tiny amount. Among the countries interested in such an advantageous offer, the sources of "B" in the system known as MTC, Sudan, Vietnam, and Belarus itself, tends with minimal use of funds to upgrade its fleet of air (in particular, to replace outdated Su-27). However, according to the source "B" in the aviation industry complex, the Russian Ministry of Finance refused to grant a loan to Minsk for their purchase, and pay even this amount could not independently Belarus. The actual steps to begin negotiations first took Vietnam and Sudan, according to interviewees, "B", is now viewed as a sort of fallback.
"The fact that Russia has managed to find a customer for these Su-30K, is good. Although the client amazing, because they had previously relied solely on the purchase of new combat vehicles - said the deputy director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, Konstantin Makiyenko. - The price of it is extremely profitable for Vietnamese contract. It is likely that the desire to buy the Su-30K is linked to the price. It is very attractive, when all of a heavy fighter could pay less than $ 20 million? "
Start of negotiations on the Su-30K with Vietnam may be unique: the first time since the emergence of a state monopoly of "Rosoboronexport" (so far only he has the right to delivery of final product) in one market will compete with just two aircraft industry enterprises in Russia. The fact is that today the creation of a series of aircraft Su-30 carries for the Vietnam Air Force in Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association, a member of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). And all of the Su-30K, now located in Belarus, are the property of the "Irkut" corporation. According to "Kommersant", which is why some high-ranking KLA leaders oppose the implementation of the deal, trying to defend the position is included in the Asia-Pacific products of their enterprises. However, the KLA would be extremely difficult to persuade Vietnam to abandon the Su-30K Corporation "Irkut" - primarily because of the extremely attractive price. In addition, according to the "Y", "Rosoboronexport" is determined to make a deal for the Su-30K in no time.
It is worth recalling that at the end of February Su-30MK2 crashed in the Amur region, intended to transfer the Vietnam Air Force, in the 2010 contract to supply 12 of these machines (see "Kommersant" on February 29). Results under this contract in Russia, according to "B", it remains to put the four fighters.

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