Friday, June 22, 2012

T-90S modernized T-90SM - main battle tank

T-90S modernized (T-90SM) main battle tank
Uralvagonzavod - Russia
Modernized main battle tank T-90S is combat full-track vehicle equipped with powerful armament, up-to-date fire control system, reliable armour protection, and high manoeuvrability.
The new combat turret module is designed for upgraded MBT T-90S. In combination with powerful armament and highly-automated fire control system the module has considerably enhanced the tank combat potential.
The maximum efficiency of tank armament operation is achieved by provision of gunner's and commander's equal searching capabilities. It provides the fire control system with high performance mode "gunner-hunter", in which regardless of the time of the day commander observes the target environment, detects and recognizes the targets, carries out automatic tracking of the loaded-on targets, and the gunner for their destruction and continues searching new targets.
Remotely-operated machine gun mount stabilized in elevation and azimuth allows the commander being inside the tank to deliver effective fire from a halt and on the move irrespective of the mai armament.
To realize high fire power potential of 125 mm tank gun, the present-day ammunition types are used.
Besides, upgraded tank T-90S has the following advantages:
  •  Enhanced fire power thanks to installation of guided weapon system allowing hitting a target with high probability at a range up to 5000 m at any time of day and night and availability of automatic target tracker. Application of sights with computer vision channels provides invulnerability of operator's vision organs when enemy applies laser-beam neutralizing devices;
  • Enhanced protection thanks to installation of electromagnetic protection system providing protection from mines equipped with magneto metric fuzes and automatic screening system, protecting from missiles with semi-active laser homing heads.. Application of modular explosive reactive armour allows to enhance the protection level against current means of destruction;
  • Enhanced mobility thanks to installation of engine with high power-to-weight ratio and steering control system with automatic gear shifter which enhance the tank manoeuvrability and reduce requirements to driver's qualification.
The tank is equipped with auxiliary diesel-generator. It reduces not only petroleum consumption considerably, but also tank signature in the IR range.
The fighting capabilities of the upgraded T-90S tank are provided by a powerful armament system, an advanced FCS, the latest developments in the field of protection, and perfect engine, transmission and running gear.


General Information
Combat weight, t 48
Crew 3
Gun model 2A46M-5
Bore size, mm 125
Ammunition allowance 40
Ammunition type
Auxiliary armament: antiaircraft
machine gun mount

Bore size, mm 7.62
Model 6P7K
Ammunition allowance, pcs 2000
Cartridges for antiaircraft
machine gun mount, pcs
Fire Control System
Main gunner’s sight multichannel with sighting and thermal
channels, laser range finder, built-in laser
control channel
Magnification of sighting channel 4; 12
Max identification range of tank target
via sighting channel, m
Min identification range of tank target
via thermal channel, m
Max range measured by range finder, m 7500
Commander’s sight combined panoramic with television and
thermal channels and laser range finder
Max range measured by range finder, m 7500
Parallel sight with dependent sighting line
Min identification range of tank target, m
by day 2000
at twilight 1000
Ballistic computer electronic, digital with a set of weather
and topographical sending units and
barrel straightness monitor
Automatic target tracking independently provided from the gunner’s
and commander’s stations with
“gunner-hunter” mode implementation
Weapon stabilizer improved two-axis with electromechanical
power traverse and electro-hydraulic
power elevation
Guided weapon system yes
Min turret power traverse slew rate, 
Armour protection combined, with modular ERA and ERA
panels mounted on rear and side projections
Screening system optoelectronic, against anti-tank means
with laser homing heads and range finders
NBC protection system collective, with system PKUZ-1A
Electromagnetic protection system yes
fighting equipment quick-action
Crew protection from secondary flux
of tank fragments
anti-fragmentation panels made of aramid
Mobility and manoeuvrability
Max speed on highway, km/h 60
Max fording depth, m 1.8
Max deep fording with USCE, m 5 (width up to 1000 m)
Power plant
Engine V-92S2F
Power, kW (hp) 831 (1130)
Power train with automatic gear shifter and steering
wheel control
Special Equipment
Conditioner may be integrated on request
Auxiliary diesel-generator may be integrated
Min rated electric power, kW 7

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