Thursday, June 21, 2012

Airstrike Kills Taliban Leader in Afghanistan

From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan, June 22, 2012 – An Afghan and coalition airstrike killed Nabi Rahman, a Taliban leader and explosives expert, during an operation in the Watahpur district of Afghanistan’s Kunar province today, military officials reported.
Rahman had coordinated the movement of insurgents in the region, provided explosive materials and training to insurgents, and planned attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, officials said.
After the strike, the security force conducted a follow-on assessment and confirmed Rahman had been killed, officials said.
Officials said no civilians were harmed and no property was damaged.
In other Afghanistan operations today:
-- A combined force killed several insurgents while searching for a Taliban leader in the Baghlan-e Jadid district of Baghlan province. The security force also detained numerous suspects and seized one AK-47 rifle with a grenade launcher, one pistol, some ammunition and more than a dozen grenades.
-- In the Tarnek wa Jaldak district of Zabul province, a combined force killed an insurgent weapons trafficker and one other insurgent. The security force also seized several AK-47 rifles and a grenade.
-- An Afghan-led, coalition-supported force detained a Taliban weapons facilitator in the Zharay district of Kandahar province. The security force also detained several other suspects and seized a weapon.
-- A combined force detained several suspects and confiscated multiple AK-47 rifles during a search for a Taliban leader in the Nawah-ye Barakzai district of Helmand province.
-- An Afghan-led, coalition-supported force detained a Haqqani leader and several other suspects in the Musa Khel district of Khost province. The leader is linked to the planning of the June 20 suicide bombing in Khost province.
-- In the Sabari district of Khost province, a combined force detained several suspects during a search for a Haqqani leader. He is another Haqqani leader linked to the June 20 suicide attack in Khost.
-- A combined force detained a Taliban leader who specializes in IEDs and two other suspects in the Wali Muhammad Shahid Khugyani district of Ghazni province. The leader was involved in the construction, transportation and placement of IED’s used in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also provided information to senior Taliban leaders in the region.
And on June 21, a combined force discovered a cache containing 1,995 pounds of hashish in the Zharay district of Kandahar province. The drugs were destroyed.

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