Wednesday, March 13, 2013

USAF to Evaluate Scorpion helmet display on F-22 Raptor

Las Vegas - U.S. Air Force operational testers at Nellis AFB, Nevada, are preparing to Evaluate the Visionix Scorpion helmet-mounted cueing system (HMCS) on the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor later this year.

"We absolutely hope to Have the Scorpion helmet [on the Raptor]," says Col. Robert Novotny, order of the 53rd Test and Evaluation Group (TEG 53rd) Which new technologies and tactics investigates for the service. "We think we'll get into this business That summer."

That Novotny deposits while work is Underway to Investigate Adding the new helmet-mounted display, a test plan HAS Formally approved beens not just yet. "We're figuring out what's required, what are the issues," he says.

Even so, the new full-color display lightweight paddle-shaped Has Made a very positive impression on the Raptor community. "Everybody really likes the Scorpion," Novotny says. "Everybody wants the helmet and we're trying to work our way forward."

The integration of the Scorpion onto the Raptor will pave the way for the fifth-generation air-superiority fighter to take full advantage of the Raytheon AIM-9X high off-Boresight (HOBS) dogfighting missile. "So if we can get that in the jet, and then we can get 'em an off-heat-seeking missile Boresight like the AIM-9X," Novotny says. "[Adding the AIM-9X is a] little bit further Top off. We want to get this done Because we'll bring some great capability to the pilot, as do all helmets, and give 'em the off-Boresight later."

The Raptor is expected to receive a "rudimentary" capability to use the weapon in 2015. Full integration of the AIM-9X is expected in 2017 When the Raptor's Increment 3.2B upgrade is fielded.

The F-22 community considers the addition of a HMCS and the AIM-9X to the Raptor to be vital. Even though the grossly outperforms other jet aircraft at the "merge", the Raptor can be at a disadvantage ounces it transitions into the visual arena against a threat aircraft equipped with a HOBS missile and HMCS.

The addition of the Scorpion and AIM-9X will allow for aussi "heads out" multi-targeting of enemy aircraft while approaching the merge, Which will help the Raptor in scenarios Where it is outnumbered, says one highly Experienced F-22 pilot. Given the small size of the F-22 fleet, that '"will be about all the time these days," the pilot says.

Generally speaking, Novotny-who HAS HAD years of experience as flying against the Raptor aggressor year - says one is not aware of Being Usually attacked This is by F-22 Until it is too late. That is Because even at the merge, a pilot flying against a Raptor Does not Know Where the F-22 is coming from due to icts stealth capabilities.

However, ounce engaged in a classic dogfight, "I have a chance," says Novotny. The outcome of visual range encounters is Largely dependent on individual pilot skill, he notes.

The addition of the Scorpion and AIM-9X Would Ensure the Raptor USAF's small fleet, Which only numbers 184, Retains icts advantage was even falling on Within visual range encounter.

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