Friday, March 1, 2013

Israel calls for military threat against Iran

Netanyahu condemns the continuation of Iran's nuclear program. Israeli Prime Minister asks the international community to threaten Iran with a military action if sanctions are not enough.
Netanyahu calls for the international community. Israeli Prime Minister asked the major powers on Wednesday to warn Iran against continuing military action if its controversial nuclear program. 

"As North Korea , Iran continues to flout the norms of the international community does not seem to end its nuclear weapons program, "said Binyamin Netanyahu said in a statement. 
"The international community must strengthen its sanctions against Iran and clarify that in case of continuing its nuclear program, there will be military sanctions," the prime minister added. 

Further discussion in mid-March

The 5 +1 group, that is to say, the five permanent members of the Security Council of the UN, U.S., France, Britain, Russia and China, plus Germany, agreed Wednesday with Iran to further discussions onTehran's nuclear program . These will be held from mid-March. 

On February 21, the office of Binyamin Netanyahu was described as "serious" a report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It believed that Iran was "closer than ever to obtain enriched material for a bomb." 

In a speech before the UN General Assembly in September, the Israeli Prime Minister had called a "clear red line" is attached to the nuclear program of Iran. According to his office, it is also about "the first" that Netanyahu will discuss with U.S. President Barack Obama , expected in Israel in March. 
The great powers and Israel suspect Iran of trying to develop the atomic bomb under cover of a civilian nuclear program, which Tehran denies.

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