Saturday, March 2, 2013

ESSM acquisition help for NATO

U.S. engineering and consulting firm Herren Associates Inc. has been contracted to support NATO's acquisition of the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile.
The three-year award to provide support to the NATO Sea Sparrow Project Office was given by the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command and is worth $3.7 million.
NSPO is the executive agent for a multinational consortium that is responsible for the acquisition and in-service support of ship self-defense missiles and combat systems, including the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile.
"ESSM provides critical capability to pace rapidly evolving threats," said Herren President Jeffrey M. Voth. "Our experts have been supporting U.S. and allied forces for decades, so we fully understand the proven economic benefits of multinational cooperation -- we can implement solutions to increase capability and reduce costs for NSPO, the longest running cooperative weapons project in NATO's history."

Herren said services it will provide include cost engineering, process improvement, logistics, acquisition and financial management.

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