Ark Forwarder the ferry sailed from Toulon Friday with a massive load of military vehicles. Leclerc tanks, armored vehicles for infantry combat (VBCI) armored vehicles ahead (VAB), Light Armoured Vehicles (LAV), P4 (the "jeep" of the French army), door-tanks, trucks ...
Approximately 150 vehicles took place aboard the Maritime Nantes, which provides transport logistics by sea, French military equipment. The Ark Forwarder, MN MN Eider and Pelican are thus responsible for moving equipment or repatriate overseas bases or units deployed overseas operations, ensuring regular rotations with Africa, the area Caribbean / Guyana and the Indian Ocean, or exceptional escorts.

The Leclerc 1 RCh take the train and then boat
On the last load performed by Ark Forwarder Toulon, the ship embarked elements of the Army who will join Doha, Qatar, in exercising Gulf Falcon 2013. These maneuvers will mobilize from 16 February to 7 March, 165 vehicles, 80 armored vehicles, and 1,300 French miliary. Among them, 102 hunters and forty vehicles, including 16 Leclerc and 13 LAV 1st Regiment of Chasseurs Thierville-sur-Meuse. These items have left Verdun by rail January 11 late afternoon. A load of 1771 tons of material that has traveled 900 km by train to Toulon. Arrived at the naval base Var, the vehicles were taken over by the 519th Transit Maritime Group (JWG), responsible for the delivery of military equipment by sea.
The desert playground
For riders 1 RCh, exercise Gulf Falcon is an opportunity to evolve in the vast expanses of the Qatari desert with the armored spearhead of French, Leclerc, presented as a tool of "coercion and major decision "the Army. This field will allow the heavy tank, an engine of 54 tons with a 120mm gun, to be highly mobile and to maximize its firepower with shooting at targets up to 4000 meters. "This participation is also an opportunity for our soldiers to consolidate and implement specific know-how in the desert which is a very open space. They shall take into account the particularities of this new environment to ensure the tank travel discreetly and thus remain invisible to the enemy. Soldiers must also adapt to extreme weather conditions such as heat and dust and the risk of silting, "says the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
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