Monday, January 21, 2013

IAF chief visits Israel

Indian Air Force chief NAK Browne on Sunday has embarked on a four-day tour to Israel, which is India's biggest supplier of military wares.

During his four-day stay at Tel Aviv, IAF chief would not only meet the top brass in Israel military hierarchy but would also review progresses made in the medium range surface to air missile, which India and Israel are jointly developing.

A team comprising Indian Air Force and defence research and development organisation officials are working with Israeli scientists to develop the missiles for Indian Navy.

Discussions may also be held on a possible IAF follow-on order of Phalcon airborne early warning and control system (AWACS) and the new iron-dome anti-missile system on Your Ad Here which India evinced interests.

India currently operates three Israeli Phalcon AWACS – fitted on Russian made IL-76 – and want to buy three more.

The first three were purchased in a $ 1.1 billion deal with tacit support from the USA, which ignored objections from Pakistan.

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