Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The F22 defeated by German fighter pilots

Invited to an air combat exercise with their Typhoon based on Eielson last June, the Germans had the opportunity to confront, in the skies of Alaska, the best fighter in the world, the F22 Raptor .

The F22 Raptor, whose unit price is around $ 400 million, was recently allowed to resume flights now that the source of problems is identified drivers of hypoxia. That's good news for the USAF. The bad news is that the French Mirage 2000-9 (on loan from the UAE) and the Germans on Typhoon found the weak point of Rraptor: close combat.

While the Raptor is unbeatable in terms of stealth, evolution at high altitude and combat capability beyond the horizon, however it becomes vulnerable dogfight against aircraft Yet despite its less evolved rudders generously sized and its thrust vectoring nozzles.

The Germans have repeatedly taken over the Raptor recognize good players, it is difficult to approach at close range. Military pilots across the Rhine benefit from the experience gained in 90 years, during which Germany fielded the MiG-29 Fulcrum legacy of the GDR. Tests had shown that while the MIG was vulnerable to ranged combat against F-4 Phantom, Mirage 2000, F15 and F16, proved unbeatable in dogfight. The story repeats itself ...
Asian Defence News

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