Thursday, August 9, 2012

Kopassus Receive 315 HK MP5 rifle

                              315 short barrel weapon to the Kopassus HK MP5

In order to meet the needs of military equipment, especially equipment of weapons and to develop international standard of professionalism TNI soldiers, especially Army Special Force Command (Kopassus), the Ministry of Defence handed Weapons Short Barrel of 315 HK MP5 shoots to Kopassus.

Implemented in a symbolic handover by the Foreign Minister of Defence to the Commandant General Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin Commando Special Force (Kopassus Danjen) Mayjen TNI Sutomo Agus, Wednesday (8/8) at Kopassus headquarters, Cijantung, South Jakarta. Present at the event head of the Defence Services (Kabaranahan) Kemhan Mayjen TNI Ediwan Prabowo and a number of offices within Kemhan, Mabesad and Makopassus.

Short Barrel weapons handed over HK MP5 is the weapon yield Kemhan provision in 2010 which consists of the top 220 HK MP5 A4, A5 MP5 HK top 48, top 38 and nine top MP5K.PWW HK HK SD6. HK MP5 short barrel weapon which is made ​​Heckler & Koch (HK), Germany, has a weight specification of 2.6 kg, length 680 mm and 9 x 19 mm caliber.
 Wamenhan in his remark said, handing over these weapons are part of the country implemantasi responsibility in financing and equipping soldiers, including a dedicated team who have very specific requirements.

Wamenhan further explained that the provision for needs Alutsista TNI, which is directly performed the specific requirement and the matter was arranged in Presidential Regulation (Perpres). Therefore, the purchase of military equipment to the needs of special forces carried out directly to producers to secure the quality and accountability of the equipment used.

Kemhan over the period starting with the United Indonesia Cabinet until now I have given special attention in order to increase the quality and quantity of equipment needs among specific teams HK MP5 Weapon this provision. Previously, Kemhan has delivered approximately 104 shoots and 315 shoots this time to submit, with the hope that can meet the operational needs of Kopassus.

Wemenhan add, Kemhan will continue to give attention to special teams that have international quality, among others, are in various efforts to defense cooperation with friendly countries, Kemhan always provide a space for a dedicated team to get berinterkasi in defense cooperation between countries.

Asian Defence News

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