Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Singapore to acquire European surface-to-air missile system

Singapore is acquiring an advanced European air defence system as a replacement for its ageing US-made Hawk surface-to-air batteries, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said Monday.
Ng said the ASTER-30 Surface-to-Air Missile System, manufactured by European defence firm MBDA, will allow the city-state to counter multiple threats from fighter jets, helicopters, drones and precision guided missiles.
"The ASTER-30's capabilities are many times more potent than our I-HAWK ground-based air defence system," he told parliament.
He did not reveal the cost of the system or when Singapore will make the acquisition.
The ASTER-30 system, used by countries like France and Italy, is expected to provide the city-state with an anti-missile and anti-aircraft range of up to 70km, Singapore's defence ministry said.
The current US-made I-Hawk system has a maximum effective range of 40km.
The tiny island-republic — which is about 42km in length and 23km in breadth — also has a shorter range "SPYDER" ground-based air defence system with a range of 15km.
Ng also said that Singapore is looking to upgrade its F-16 fighter jet fleet to "modernise their avionics and extend their lifespan".
He said the defence ministry was still evaluating the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter as a possible replacement for its older warplanes.
Singapore also has a fleet of F-15 fighter jets.

Singapore has the largest defence budget in Southeast Asia, thanks to public funds generated by its phenomenal economic growth.
It has set aside $12.34 billion for defence in 2013, up from $11.83 billion in 2012, according to official data.
Surrounded by far larger neighbours, Singapore has pursued a robust defence strategy since its acrimonious split from Malaysia in 1965.
All able-bodied Singaporean men are required to devote two years of full-time military service upon turning 18, providing additional manpower on top of the estimated 20,000 armed forces regulars.

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