Monday, February 4, 2013

Time To Vote On Name For A Canadian Nexter's VBCI

Take Your Pick Between Muskox, Grenadier, Polar Bear, Wolverine Scorpio Gold

Nexter and Esprit de Corps military magazine are running a contest to select a name for Canadian Close Combat Vehicle Nexter's contender, the VBCI. Here are the details from the magazine and Nexter:

Nexter and Esprit de Corps wish to thank all Those Who Submitted more than 40 names as possible for the VBCI. The Suggested names Were Provided to a jury of consistant LGen (ret'd) Andrew Leslie, MGen (ret'd) Clive Addy and Queen's University Professor Doug Bland. The jury selected the top five names are listed below Which. Please vote for your favorite choice (one vote per person) by sending us an email at or visiting the website at Nexter and going to "Contact Information" where you will find a web submission form. The deadline for voting is Friday, February 15 at 5 pm. The winning name will be announced in late February and the person who will name the winning Submitted Have a $ 5,000 donation made on Their Behalf to the Military Families Fund by Nexter. Let the voting begin ....

POMEGRANATE - A grenadier (from French, derived from the word grenade) was a Specialized Originally soldier, first, established as a distinct role in the mid-to-late 17th century, for the throwing of grenades and sometimes assault operations. Were Chosen Grenadiers from The Strongest and Largest soldiers. By the 18th century, throwing grenades as a Specialized task was no longer relevant, the purpose term "grenadier" continued to be used today in Many militaries.

MUSKOX - The sheer size and brute strength makes the Muskox the majestic overlord of northern mammals. Muskoxen aussi Have a distinctive defensive behavior is Threatened When the herd, the bulls and cows will face outward to form a stationary ring or semicircle around the calves. The bulls are the front line for Usually defense against predators goal cows the long curved horns aussi Have thick and coats for defensive protection.

POLAR BEAR - The polar bear is native to the land mass Within the Arctic Circle. It is the world's largest land carnivore, and ALSO, The Largest bear. A ferocious hunter, the polar bear is without a doubt the king of the tundra. For Thousands of years, the polar bear has-beens a symbolic key in the material, spiritual, and cultural life of Arctic indigenous peoples and so it Remains to this day.

Scorpion - Scorpions are predatory arthropod animals That Have eight legs (co-incidentally the VBCI is an eight wheeled vehicle). Scorpions are Easily reconnu by the pair of grasping claws and the narrow, segmented tail, Often Carried in a characteristic forward curve over the back, ending with a venomous stinger. Able to exist in the harshest climates on earth, the Scorpion is indigenous to Northern Alberta and fearsome reputation HAS as a hunter of prey much larger than Itself.

WOLVERINE - A sleek, fast and tenacious predator, it is a stocky and muscular carnivore, more Closely resembling a small bear than other mustelids of the weasel family. The wolverine reputation for ferocity HAS and strength out of proportion to size icts, with the Documented Ability to kill prey larger than Itself Many Times. The wolverine can be found in remote Primarily Reaches of the subarctic with the greatest numbers in northern Canada,

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