Saturday, February 2, 2013

Impending reorganization at Thales

A little over a month after being named CEO of Thales, Jean-Bernard Lévy will tighten the Executive Committee. The International is headed by Pascale Sourisse.

A little over a month after being named CEO of Thales, Jean-Bernard Lévy is about to announce, probably Wednesday, a group reorganization of defense and aerospace that will make at least one victim in the Staff present. This is Patrick Fournie, in charge of human resources and operations announced his departure internally, it was learned from sources.

Long planned a Board of Directors held on Friday during which the reorganization should be made once the budgetary aspects. The official announcement should intervene in internal Wednesday during a CEC followed by a large gathering of senior executives at Thales campus at Jouy-en-Josas (west of Paris). Little has filtered down to this if it is the new strong man of Thales seems finally to have settled for an evolution rather than a revolution over the age Vigneron.

What role for Patrice Caine?

Among the changes mentioned, Pascale Sourisse take the responsibility of the entire international, and not just the area called "A" which includes six countries (Australia, Canada, United States, Norway, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom) and two regions (Northeast Asia and Central and North). If this is confirmed, Reynald Seznec, who is in charge of the area "B" (the rest of the world minus France), so would the costs of the reorganization. He will remain on the executive committee? Pascale Sourisse and Reynald Seznec were both vying to succeed Luc Vigneron, before state and Dassault, the two shareholders of Thales, not settle for Jean-Bernard Lévy.

The other big change is the number of divisions: Jean-Bernard Lévy would have stopped the cursor 5 or 6 against seven now. It would also review the division of responsibilities between the owners of these divisions and countries, with some arguing that Luc Vigneron has gone a bit too far in favor of the latter.

Finally, there is the big question: what role for Patrice Caine? Immediately after his appointment, Jean-Bernard Lévy was inducted among the barons of Thales, to the point that everyone saw in him a future number two. "The title will have to change," says one the "Echos", if only to observe the formalities with respect to other members of the General Staff. Press reports have reported Moreover, the arrival of a Secretary-General, but whose identity remains unknown. And unions are eagerly awaiting the appointment of a HRD. Overall, the Executive Committee should be tightened.

Contacted, Thales did not want to comment.

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