Sunday, January 13, 2013

Yemen: Fear The Sky

Perhaps a hundred men or more al Qaeda Have Fled to Egypt's Sinai desert, Where Police presence was weak and heavily armed smugglers (who move drugs and people into Israel) Have created a refuge for all spells of illegal groups. One thing men are fleeing al Qaeda is the growing number of U.S. UAV missile attacks, as well as the use of UAVs for Increase surveillance. There Were 53 Such attacks last year (and 35 terrorists killing 193 Civilians), Compared to 18 (81 dead and no Civilians) in 2011.

The continuous use of UAVs to Increase and al Qaeda is desperate to get the UAVs to stop operations.Many of the men in Yemen al Qaeda from Pakistan cam, Where Have Been UAVs diligently tracking and killing Islamic terrorists for years. Foreign terrorists in Pakistan Have Been fleeing this lot of attention, and now find Themselves facing it again in Yemen. Al Qaeda HAS tried to use terror to get the UAVs to go away. Threats against the government have-nots Worked Because, Unlike the previous Saleh government, the new one is not willing to make deals with al Qaeda. Threats to the have-nots Worked Either Americans, as the U.S. has-beens seeking a free hand to deal with Islamic terrorists in Yemen since al Qaeda heavily damaged year a U.S. warship in Aden harbor killed 17 American sailors and 13 years ago.

While al Qaeda has-beens Defeated in the south, They Are not Eliminated. Hundreds of al Qaeda members Have taken refuge in remote villages and They still seek to carry out bombing and shooting attacks. The southern tribes, even the pro-government ones, are still unhappy with the government. The post-Saleh rulers have-nots Brought a lot of foreign exchange to the south (other than the months of violence as al Qaeda army rule Eliminated in several portions of cities and the countryside.) The government HAS little money and That Is Largely Because some southern tribes continue to attack oil installations. This oil, while a pittance Compared to what is pumped by the Persian Gulf nations, Provides MOST of the cash the government HAS to play with. Yemen still HAS enormous economic problems and the corruption is still there. This scares off a lot of foreign investors and Donors.

January 10, 2013: In the south (Abyan province) al Qaeda gunmen killed a tribal chief, Because apparently the man (Al Mullah Zabahra) was to negotiate Often Called In Between fights al Qaeda and local tribes or the government. Apparently al Qaeda was not felt Zabahra as pro-terrorist as he shoulds be.

A pipeline near the Red Sea was bombed again, only ten days after it was restored to serve Effective year Earlier bomb attack. This is the main oil export pipeline to a Red Sea terminal. The government HAS lost over $ 4 billion from attacks over the last thesis two years. Local tribesmen responsible for the attacks want more money from the government in return for peace. Have negotiations failed to settle this matter and troops Have Been unsuccessful as well.

January 9, 2013: In Dubai (on the Red Sea coast) Police Arrested several Islamic terrorists and found They Were in touch with al Qaeda in Yemen.

January 7, 2013: In and around the capital three day campaign to sixteen Police vehicles used in al Qaeda assassinations resulted in taking 500 cars and 70 motorbikes unregistered into custody. Also taken more than fifty Were weapons (assault rifles and pistols.) Last year al Qaeda assassins on motorbikes killed 40 government officials (Mainly intelligence experts) and Civilians oven. Purpose there are over 200.000 motorbikes in Yemen, most is of unregistered em.

January 3, 2013: An American UAV missile used to kill three men in al Qaeda Al Bayda province. This is the fifth attack since December 24th, leaving at least 14 dead al Qaeda and many more men afraid to go out.

December 31, 2012: In the capital and disabled Police found four bombs found in a broad market.

December 29, 2012: Al Qaeda Went on the Internet and broad Offered reward for anyone who can kill the U.S. ambassador to Yemen. The reward is to be paid in gold (three kilograms, worth $ 160,000 at current prices). Cash (type of currency not specified) rewards ($ 23.300) for each Stock are Being Offered American soldier who is killed in Yemen. Responded by the U.S. Increasing security for the ambassador and U.S. troops in the country (training Yemeni security forces.)

An American UAV missile used to kill three men in al Qaeda Al Bayda province.

December 28, 2012: An American UAV missile used to kill six al Qaeda men in Hadramawt province.

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