Wednesday, January 23, 2013

UN to impose sanctions against the North Korean Space Agency

The Security Council of the UN will impose sanctions against the Space Agency of the DPRK and other North Korean government organizations in a resolution to be voted on this week , a diplomat said Monday.

This resolution, which could be adopted unanimously on Wednesday 15 members of the Council will be a response to the December 12 launch of a North Korean rocket. This launch officially put a satellite in
orbit, is considered by Western powers as a disguised test new ballistic missile at long range.

According to the diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, the resolution will condemn this shooting and reiterate the Council's demand that North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons program and refrain from any new missile launch.

The Council, he said, will impose new sanctions against companies and government agencies North Korea, which the space agency responsible for launching, and against several individuals. The text also calls to date lists of nuclear and missile technologies whose transfer to North Korea is prohibited and those that Pyongyang can not export.

The draft resolution, submitted Monday by the United States to the 14 members of the Council, is the result of intense negotiations between Washington and Beijing since the launch of the North Korean rocket on December 12.

Just after the launch, the Security Council met in emergency sentenced him in a simple statement and decided to continue negotiations to find an appropriate response.

The United States, backed by Japan and South Korea, pushing the adoption of tough new sanctions, while China advocated a cautious reaction by the Council. Finally, Beijing has agreed that the text is a resolution, not a statement, and it expands existing sanctions.

Washington and Beijing want a text to be adopted before South Korea takes over the rotating presidency of the Council in early February, explained diplomats at the UN.

North Korean shooting is considered by the United States and its allies as a disguised test new ballistic missile at long range, while UN resolutions dating back to 2006 and 2009 to prohibit any activity Pyongyang nuclear or ballistic.

A long series of misfires, the last in April 2012, and two nuclear tests have earned North Korea several rounds of UN sanctions since 2006.

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