Sunday, December 2, 2012

The project chemical detectors

Strengthening the defense capability of the Canadian Forces chemical has become a critical business need. The Army is currently acquiring a modern suite of chemical agent detectors meets current needs and is flexible enough to adapt to future needs.  

Security in the world of tomorrow

Conflict and instability in many countries worldwide concern to Canada, the United States and allied countries throughout the Organization Treaty Organization (NATO). In the 2009 report of the Canadian Forces, entitled The Future Security Environment 2008-2030, Part 1: Current and Emerging Trends , it was noted that conflicts are likely to emerge in unstable regions, countries or vulnerable routed, or between states that may choose to assert their power at the expense of regional peace, or even worldwide.Therefore, given the risk of armed conflict between states, and as recommended in the report, the Canadian Forces will be prepared based on the entire spectrum of conflict, ranging from conventional war to asymmetric threats with chemicals biological or radiological.  

According to the report, the security context of post-Cold War encompasses a multitude of threats, adversaries and potential actors as traditional states, non-governmental organizations harmless and non-state groups malicious or dangerous, such forces irregular bands of mercenaries, métanationalistes agencies and private military services:
"Individuals and groups who seek to exploit weaknesses in the state while avoiding confrontation against conventional forces, and do not care about the rules of national and international law, can then apply to their discretion tactics of asymmetrical warfare. '

More importantly, the commercialization of more advanced weapons, including conventional weapons, chemical weapons, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons, as well as new weapons could allow some developing countries and non-state actors to acquire sophisticated military means and inexpensive, hence the need for Canada to be able to use all the "range of military capabilities available, even against non-state actors" to be able to react to this reality.
Moreover, the possibility of an industrial accident which emanate from chemical, biological or radiological country remains fatal.

During the last decade, the Canadian Forces have examined in depth the issues of capacity, means and operational readiness to the potential threat of an attack or a chemical, biological, radiological or Nuclear.The establishment of the Department of Defense Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear illustrates the importance accorded by the Canadian Forces to capacity development in the perspective to make force protection a priority.   

The chemical detectors

Traditionally, the military relied on the concept of "detection to protection" defense using chemical detection technologies basic to sound the alarm when troops are in direct contact with the chemical threat, with consequent casualties among the soldiers who were not able to take their time protection equipment.More, these capabilities are only effective for detecting chemical warfare agents, nerve and blister traditional, which were considered major threats in the past.

Nowadays the Canadian Armed Forces, as well as other allied countries have adopted the concept of "detection to alert" which supports the launch of a warning before direct contact with harmful substances so that military Canadian Forces can avoid the threat or adopt a position of protection. Also, modern detectors can detect a wide range of toxic chemicals, including those found commonly in industrial plants, with which the Canadian Armed Forces may come into contact during their missions.

More specifically, the Canadian Armed Forces to conduct the acquisition and commissioning of a detection system on three levels: personal, local and territorial. In addition to detecting chemicals, such detectors can automatically archive warnings in electronic systems of command and control current and future system integration as chemical sensors, biological, radiological and nuclear and decision support thus improving response time and minimizing the risk of undue exposure. These modern detectors fulfill several functions, including detection removal, spot detection, recognition and study, and assistance to military decontamination procedures and equipment.   

The project chemical detectors was launched in 2002 and its current budget is approximately $ 85 million (excluding taxes). The project is in three parts based on the evaluation of the maturity and availability of technologies available on the market at the time the project was conceived: Part 1 - Local System detection and identification

  • Portable detector: sensitive detection device that detects and versatile liquids and vapors (using liquid sampler). The portable detector is the first to be used in operations of chemical recognition and contamination control. Following an open tender, we completed the acquisition of 350 portable detectors AP4C the company Proengin, France, in 2007. These devices are used by the military at the moment. The AP4C feature a technology called "flame spectroscopy," which allows them to detect a variety of substances. In addition, the response time of the detector is very fast, which is essential when making a contamination control.    
  • Portable point detector: detector cell used for highly sensitive autonomous control perimeters and vital points. Transportable point detectors can operate autonomously, but they can also be set up around the area of operations and related to each other through a wireless network and controlled from a single control panel. Following an open tender, we completed the acquisition of 150 Point detectors portable LCD-NEXUS and network equipment associated with the company Smiths Detection (Watford), United Kingdom. These devices are used by the military at the moment. Each point detector transportable owes its excellent sensitivity and very low false alarm rate for two detectors ion mobility spectrometer operating simultaneously.
  • System identification of chemicals: Instrument field analysis can identify thousands of chemicals.This system is equipped with identification capabilities unattainable with sensors on the ground, whose primary function is one of detection rather than identification. The bidding process will begin during the winter of 2012-2013, and the first systems will be ready in the coming years.
  • Sampling and identification of biological, chemical and radiological: Set sampling and transport disposable used to collect samples in the field and then send them to a laboratory where tests will be carried further. We completed the acquisition of three models all sampling and identification of biological, chemical and radiological the company Levitt Safety, Toronto, following an open tender and Canadian Forces have received the equipment at the end of 2009:
    • The sets used in the field consist of small sets used by most military units to sample in an operational environment. 
    • The sets for specialists are larger and more complex. They are used by specialists who perform the quality control sampling and forensic.   
    • The transport packages are containers that keep biological samples during transport.   
Part 2 - spot light sensor: monitor chemical smaller and lighter than the soldiers wear them. It is used to prevent the wearer and those who are close to the presence of a chemical hazard. Following an open tender, the purchase contract was awarded to the firm Smith Detection (Watford), the United Kingdom, in 2009, for the supply of 700 point detectors have been distributed to units Canadian Armed Forces.

Part 3 - Detection and identification distance: The third component, which is planned for implementation by 2014, include the design of a remote sensor system through the detection and identification remotely. The system will detect, identify and promptly report the presence of chemicals that may be several kilometers from the sensor. Detection system and remote identification used to control large areas as bases, airfields, harbors and other relevant places. It may also be used in other circumstances, such as during reconnaissance, boarding ships, information gathering, detection of explosives (IEDs) and environmental monitoring.

Simulator chemical agent detector

Although switches Tier 1 and Tier 2 are easy to use, the training of initial cadre of instructors is included in procurement contracts. This training will include realistic simulations to obtain the Fire Academy and the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Forces and Canadian instructors in the field of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear the best tools training while eliminating the need for simulation products warfare agents harmful to the environment.

As part of a process of competitive bidding, the Department of National Defence announced on the electronic tendering government (MERX) its intention to fill a need in relation to the provision of simulator sensor chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear training purposes within the project chemical detectors. 

In the RFP, it was noted that in order to simulate as closely as possible the conditions of a real chemical warfare, where the use of multiple detection capabilities is likely, all simulators must be equipped with the same technology in For products of simulation and control. In addition, simulators should have the capability to take into account weather conditions, especially with regard to the direction and wind speed, during exercises conducted outside. The RFP also contains a request for repair and maintenance, and training. The service includes the provision of spare parts and consumables.

At the end of the review process of bidding, a contract was awarded to the firm Patlon Aircraft & Industries Limited for the supply and service support simulators chemical agent detector Argon and training system Virtual PlumeSim.

For more information:

Program development and maintenance of the ability to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear

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