Tuesday, December 11, 2012

End of the mission in Afghanistan for military Phalsbourg

The soldiers of the 1st regiment of "Phalsbourg gunships as well as the base defense Phalsbourg who were in Afghanistan have returned to Lorraine.

The Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian embarked Saturday night from Paphos airport, Cyprus, aboard Flight 153 military repatriating French soldiers engaged in Afghanistan. Among them were men of the 1st regiment of combat helicopters and men Phalsbourg base defense Phalsbourg.

1st Regiment gunships Phalsbourg

Assessment of Engagement in Afghanistan
1 RHC was hired four times in Afghanistan. It was the first helicopter regiment to set foot in the Afghan theater and who led the operation of disengagement on the same theater. The first elements of the Light Aviation of the Army (ALT) have gained a foothold in Afghanistan in 2007. In September 2008, the first from the RHC, the first French helicopter gunships have been designed in the Afghan theater at 3 Gazelle Viviane. This detachment, engaged for a period of six months, was the forerunner of the 8 other mandates ALT who succeeded until December 2012. 1 RHC was again engaged in 2010 from June to December. In 2012, from June to December, the first RHC has the last battalion armed helicopters. After these many commitments, will lead the first RHC in more than 5000 flight hours, more than 1,700 missions, including more than 140 medical evacuations, thus evacuating more than 200 wounded French soldiers and Afghan civilians, including women and children. He has been involved in more than 100 shares of fire, delivering around 30 missiles and Hot 8,000 rounds of 30 mm.

Base defense Phalsbourg

Base defense (DB) Phalsbourg was created on 1 January 2011. It is a geographical grouping within its scope all formations and agencies of the Ministry of Defence in Moselle.

Assessment of Engagement in Afghanistan
As all military personnel, who serves GSBdD is projectable in operations in his specialty. During these 12 months, 31 soldiers were projected in Afghanistan on two different mandates, reinforcements GTIA Surobi, then the reinforcement in Kapisa.

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