Saturday, August 18, 2012

F-16 fleet will soon again 54 aircraft operational

 Thursday afternoon, a Belgian F-16 crashed near the airbase Kleine-Brogel in Limburg after a collision with a bird. This incident did not disrupt overseas extent the organization of the army air unit so far since "cocooning" is coming to replace it. This was said Major General Claude Van De Voorde Friday.

    The fleet of F-16 of the Belgian army no longer than 53 aircraft on Friday after the plane crash yesterday.

    Ten collisions with birds (bird strike) are identified each year by the Belgian army, usually without gravity.

    The Belgian army is able to manage this kind of accident thanks to its system of "cocooning". It has indeed six aircraft on standby, three located at the base of Florennes, three Kleine-Brogel. After 30 days of inspection and maintenance, these devices are in good standing and can go into operation as well as other aircraft. This device has been implemented in the mid-90s to ensure good permanent fleet.
Asian Defence News

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