Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Engineering Technologies 2012 - Russia

                            Tank system Khrisantema-S , the Russian company KBM  Engineering Design Bureau

The second edition of the International Forum Engineering Technologies Forum ("ET 2012") took place from 27 June to 1 st July 2012 flight test center in Zhukovsky, 50 kilometers north of Moscow. Nearly 300 exhibitors from a dozen countries have made ​​a special trip.

                                                                The night vision system 1PN98 Romz Russian society;

Under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Defence, the Federal Service for cooperation "military-technical" and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Forum "ET 2012" was intended to demonstrate the importance by the Russian authorities in military engineering, classified national priority economic and particularly in the field of integration of new systems of command, control and communication.
Nearly 300 exhibitors - including 198 Russian - representing a dozen countries (including Germany, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, China, India, Singapore and Ukraine) have responded to the invitation of the Moscow authorities by going to the test center in Zhukovsky flight which was built for the occasion an exhibition area of 8000 square meters, including 
3000 square meters for outdoor presentations static and dynamic than fifty military vehicles provided in part by the Russian armed forces.
From 27 to 29 June 2012, the exhibition has been reserved exclusively for trade visitors as well as Russian and foreign journalists. Time for a weekend, the show was subsequently opened its doors to the public. In the end, the Forum "ET-2012" has welcomed nearly 70,000 visitors according to the latest figures released by the organizers.

Russian companies were obviously in the spotlight. Major manufacturers of military equipment ( KBM, KBP, Izmash, Almaz Antey,  Concern "Sozvezdie" etc.). appointments were contributing widely exposed by the news, the attractiveness of the Forum "Engineering Technologies 2012".  
France, meanwhile, was represented at the show by the biggest names in the industry for the defense and aerospace to whose ranks it is worth noting the presence of groups such as ALCATEL-LUCENT, CIFAL, Nexter, Safran or THALES.
Under materials and equipment exhibited at the show, it should be noted in particular:
                                                              AK 12 Russian

  • tank system Khrisantema-S , the Russian company KBM  Engineering Design Bureau ;
  • the assault rifle AK 12 Russian society IZMASH;
  • monitoring system SBRM Russian society ALMAZ ANTEY;
  • transmission system R 149 MA1 Russian society CONCERN "Sozvezdie"
  • the Multiple Launch Rocket kind LV 9A52-4 Motovilikha Russian society;
  • the truck with shielded cell SBA 60 of the Russian JSC CORPORATION DEFENCE;
  • the night vision system 1PN98 Romz Russian society;
  • thermal camera PT 3 Novosibirsk Russian society;
  • the rapid intervention vehicle Ura Russian society LOS COMPANY;
  • armored vehicle VPM2-M Russian society VPK MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPANY.

   By its size and attendance, Forum "Engineering Technologies 2012" imposes itself as the largest arms fair held in Russia this year. Appointment is made for the third edition, scheduled for July 2014, which should once again take place at the test center in Zhukovsky flight.



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