Monday, August 20, 2012

EMB-314 Super Tucano will set the wheels in the land of Indonesia in early September.

                                     EMB-314 Super Tucano Arrives Early September

Jakarta (ANTARA News) Batch prime EMB-314 Super Tucano will set the wheels in the land of Indonesia in early September. Counter insurgence technologically advanced aircraft made ​​Brazil will be placed in the Air Squadron 21 TNI AU in Malang.

"Complete a squadron, Indonesia purchased 16 units. Coincidentally I just got back from pabriknya, the first batch of Super Tucano center completed. Overall would appear in 2014," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Defence, Marshal Eris Heryanto TNI Associate in Jakarta, on Wednesday.

Super Tucano which is planned to come on later the first batch of four units, but have not given panoply 12.7 millimeter Browning canon except that a weapon standard. He dedicated replace OV-10F Bronco Rockwell made, the United States, bought new in 1975.

Bronco that has produced four TNI AU's head dikandangkan staff since the end of 2007; many of which became monuments in many cities in Indonesia, in excellent condition untreated.

If you arrive later, then early career traveling between Bronco and Super Tucano can be similar, both on display and flown directly in HUT ceremony ABRI (when) and TNI on October 5. Difference is, three new units coming Bronco in 1975 is directly deployed to East Timor to sweep derby.

Super Tucano will be placed in the Air Squadron 21, based in the Main Base TNI AU Abdulrahman Saleh, Malang, East Java, as the first Bronco. Second generation aircraft diss is very fitting for the needs of low-altitude patrol and intelligence, counter insurgence, water close support, aerial photography, and border patrol, as well as others.

In LOTOS operations in East Timor, many infantry personnel once TNI AD thank the Bronco water flying give close support to break the opponent's ability and concentration.

If assigned to patrol at Borneo frontier - for example - the Super Tucano is believed to be able to give a great contribution to an adequate arsenal. Among them are the Mk-82 bombs, missiles AIM-9 Sidewinder, to 30 millimeter rocket pods placed in her.

If for similar tasks in the line of the Indonesia-East Timor border in NTT, similar case he could also do. Super Tucano can land and take off at the airport with minimum support Haliwen Airport as the case, in Atambua, Belu regency, which borders with East Timor. (*)
Asian Defence News

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