Monday, July 2, 2012

Portuguese Submarine Arrives in Groton

Portugal marked its first trip to the "Submarine Capital of the World" when it arrived at Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton, June 30.

NRP Tridente, a diesel electric with air independent propulsion submarine, has a crew of 33 sailors and is commanded by Lt. Cmdr. Bruno Ricardo Amaral Henriques. Prior to its arrival in Groton, Tridente participated in the multinational Fleet Training Exercise War of 1812 (FLEETEX) from June 19 to 29.

During the FLEETEX more than 20 ships and aircraft from the U.S., Portugal, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Canada and Brazil participated.

Tridente is visiting Groton to conduct sea trials. Participation in both the FLEETEX, as well as sea trials, allow the crew of Tridente to increase their levels of operating readiness.

"We have been planning the arrival of NRP Tridente for some time and look forward to learning from one another and sharing traditions and customs to strengthen each service's undersea warfare capabilities," said Lt. Cmdr. Matt Luff, exercise coordinator, Commander, Submarine Development Squadron 12.

Cmdr. Mario Pereira, of the Portuguese navy, will oversee aspects of the sea trials and emphasizes the opportunity for training with the U.S. Navy's submarine force.

"Although it's now time to focus on this task that will increase NRP Tridente's level of operational readiness, this partnership between Portugal and U.S. navies is an excellent opportunity to evolve together, strengthening the cooperation among friendly nations that efficiently use the sea," said Cmdr. Mario Pereira, head of Portuguese delegation for the Submarine Sea Trials.

After sea trials are complete, Tridente will depart Groton for its trans-Atlantic return to Portugal.

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