Monday, July 16, 2012

Russian military bases could be replaced by aircraft carriers

Aircraft carriers could replace Russian military bases abroad, faw the uncertain situation surrounding the recent hire, said the acting chief of Naval Aviation, General Igor Kozhin in an interview Saturday at the Echo of Moscow radio.

"It is much more efficient to have a floating airfield capable of bridges with Africa, the United States or any other region, rather than having a network of bases that, given the current unstable situation may disappear at any time, "said the general, referring to the problems of Russian bases rental in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, as well as that of the Gabala radar (Aserbaïdjan).

Thursday, July 12, Tajikistan announced its intention to impose a rent of at least $ 250 million annually for the presence on its territory of the 201st Russian military base

The Kyrgyz Ministry of Defense Taalaïbek Omouraliev announced Wednesday, July 11 that Kyrgyzstan intends to raise the rent for three of the four Russian military bases deployed on its territory in 2014.

According to information put out in early March, Azerbaijan has decided to increase 7 to $ 300 million annual rent of the Gabala radar, leased by Russia. Negotiations continued until now.

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