Saturday, July 14, 2012

Iran to Launch Local Alexa

Saeed Salarian, Vice President of Iran’s Supreme Council for Information and Communication Technology, said a domestic Alexa like website to be launched in near future.
“We are going to open a new service to analyze all the Iranian websites. Webmasters can find their rankings and the other useful information in that website.” Saeed Salarian announced during a press conference before opening the third festival of governmental websites.
“Currently Alexa ranks the websites base on 90 metrics. But we will evaluate only 60 domestic metrics.” Saeed Salarian compared the upcoming service with Alexa. However he didn’t reveal any more information on this subject. He also didn’t refer to the advantages of this local service in compare to the current international Alexa. Salarian called this project as the Local Alexa.
In the recent two years, Iranian government put lot efforts on Internet fields in order to replace the foreign services with the local websites mostly depend on government.

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