Sunday, July 1, 2012

ICJ Ruling on Iran S-300 Claim ‘Pending’

Iran's complaint against Russia over Moscow's refusal to deliver S-300 air defense systems in a $800 million contract is under examination at the relevant international legal bodies, Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said on Sunday.
It is normal for legal proceedings at international courts to “drag on,” Vahidi was quoted as saying by Press TV.
Iran lodged the complaint at the United Nations International Court of Justice in 2011 over the 2007 contract under which Moscow was to ship five S-300PMU-1 battalions.
In September 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev terminated the contract in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1929, which bans supply to Iran of conventional weapons including missiles and missile systems, tanks, attack helicopters, warplanes and ships.
Moscow has said it has no plans to resume the sale of S-300PMU-1 systems to Iran.

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