Monday, July 2, 2012

Beijing sends a patrol to a reef claimed by Hanoi (official media)

Beijing has deployed four ships to patrol the disputed waters in Hanoi including the South China Sea, said Sunday the official media, while worsening the territorial quarrel between China and Vietnam.

The boats, described by the official New China as patrol vessels, reached the reef Sunday Huayang (name given by China) in the Spratly archipelago.

Beijing and Hanoi vie for sovereignty of the archipelago, as well as that of the Paracels, whose funds are supposed to be rich in hydrocarbons.

The Vietnamese National Assembly has just adopted a law that formally includes the Spratlys and Paracels in the territory of Vietnam.

The boats sent by Beijing are under the authority of the State Oceanic Administration, which depends on the government, not under the authority of the country's navy, said New China.

In Hanoi, a hundred people marched to denounce Beijing's policy.

The PLA conducts routine patrols in the South China Sea as part of its operations "national sovereignty," said the spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Defense, Geng Yansheng.

"The determination and the will of the Chinese army to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unwavering," he warned.

China claims the entire South China Sea, an area that serves as a geo-strategic route between East Asia, Indian Ocean and Europe, also rich in oil and fish resources.

The rise of China and its claims becoming increasingly concerned about his neighbors farms in the region.

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